happy ndp (:
and if you didn't realise it like i didn't until this morning.. ndp=national day parade. how do you wish someone happy national day parade.?! hmmm!! but yeah.
fun day. due to rain, the supposedly father-daughter cycling session got cancelled. headed out to study on a public holiday with study buddy. made him vomit blood :p
went for cg.
this iz us.
it was a really good message. the power discipline strikes hard. and obviously, 3values and role models and that shall be my motivation in life. and i've never said it.. but NADIA!!! you ARE my role model! (: and i'm really happy to have you as my role model (: thanks for being my motivation and inspiration and encouragment! (:
so yeah.. us again (:
winnie's mum's condo has nice scenery, nice wind and nice sun too (:
ben got hungry :D masterpiece by leticia (:

and soon after slacking around at winnie's mum's condo.. we headed to raffles place. to watch fireworks.
one of the many shots. but yeah. it wasn't as spectacular as it thought it would be. but i guess it's still fireworks and fireworks are still nice (:
well sums it all up. happy ndp.
you know.. sometimes when you choose to think that certain words aren't worth value.. it's juz like the book i'm reading says..
"i broke one of the biggest rules of loving someone. i didn't tell you."
"i was so wrapped up with my conviction that action means more than words that i forgot the words are still important. and powerful. i had people say they cared for me on a whim. say thay'd be there for me then vanish. say they loved me when they didn't..."
"it's the importance of security and assurance."
doesn't speak much. but it does make sense to me. i wont say anymore and elaborate further into details cuz i know that no matter how much i say it doesn't make a difference. i guess sometimes it's still true to say that actions speak louder than words.. but how.? it all voices down to a very puzzling how.
i've been thinking..... importance of security and assurance.. you may not even want to hear those words but i've decided to say it anyhow. words ARE juz as important as actions. and because i have faith for you juz the way you had faith for me. KOKO. know that i'll juz be a call/sms away.
*throbs @00:52 <3
There .
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